Before I started saying no however, I thought it would only be fair if I at least tried to keep the commitments and obligations I already have in place.
Wow! What a list I found for myself. A lot of ticky tac stuff, some big projects, some projects whose time had passed - the assessment was formidable.
Just look -

No, my handwriting is not worth a lick, but I can at least read my own chicken scratch.
How on earth could I ever even dream about catching up and changing my workflow?
What is it Major Winchester used to say on M.A.S.H. ? (Kinda dated myself there didn’t I?)
I do one thing at a time. I do it very well, and then... I move on.
Um, no that won’t work either... That means some folks have to wait longer than others which might be okay most of the time, but not when you’re already playing catchup.
Okay - I need to designate time. I’m calling that time pockets.
Each category or project will have a pocket. Currently there are 6. This is how I’m lining them up. I have a very big, very important project I have to finish first, but as soon as that is finished - these are my pockets.
- MJB Foundation work - 2 hours every Tuesday until caught up, then every Tuesday thereafter as necessary - at least during down (non-event) times. So, yes this will be very much like regular business hours and if you have something MJB Foundation related you want to discuss, the office opens at 6:30 p.m.
- Work projects - every Monday - while I’m fresh - could be Network Logix, Library or other career-related activities - anything that moves me forward in the professional realm. I’ve got an awesome family and friends. It’s high time I find my career.
- Special projects - currently busy with a college football related activity. That comes on Wednesdays until bowl season is up.
- Writing, blogging prep, (not to be confused with actual blogging which can happen any day.) Social Media maintenance is on Thursdays. Learning to pick my spots better - i.e. I don’t need to sign up for every service and I need to be conscientious about pulling myself off of the platforms I don’t use. Finding time to read and comment on other people’s work and digging my way through hundreds, maybe thousands, (years - yes plural) worth of favorites and must-reads and not letting that all get piled up again are among my other priorities in this area. This medium is very important to me. I think it is worth its own pocket.
- Fridays and Saturdays are time for family and friends. Time to be social away from the computer screen. If you see me post something on Saturday or Sunday it probably came from my phone. I don’t want to completely miss the conversation on the weekend, but I need to fuel those real-life relationships too.
- Sundays are time for family and family business.
Hey, a fella has to have a plan.
Doesn’t he?
What do you think? What are your pockets? Do you have a better or different idea?